Wild Growth  Co.. P.O. box 14822, Scottsdale, AZ 85267

Wild Growth Company Hair Oil Products Manufacturer, Formulator, Founder, Originator and Seller Credentials

To Wild Growth Co. Introduction Page

Wild Growth®   Hair Growth Protection claimer and disclaimer.




How Can Wild Growth®  Oils build such an endless user file of AMAZING  results experienced by users while being only a cosmetic product? The answer is that all members of the Wild Growth®  family of products have a wizard-like mastery over  attention grabbing wildly transformative appearance changes, not from hair growth but from 'Hair Growth Protection': Though users may perceive drug-like effects whereby they can be misunderstood as resulting from affected biological processes of actual hair production  occurring in the skin dermis' hair producing hair growth anatomy, Wild Growth Co. focuses on protecting the biologically inactive keratinized hair shaft emerging from the scalp by protecting and sealing this dead material from the scissor-like effect of the external environment, so that hair can manifest itself AS IF it grows longer and fuller from biological factors, which, to Wild Growth Co., is a misconception/misperception/misunderstanding of the 'appearance only effects' of Wild Growth® Oils.


Wild Growth® hair growth protection simply defined:

"Hair strands can break or become damaged from the root to the end. Thinness, baldness or short hair can result from sufficient breakage over time. Regular use of any of theWild Growth® family of products with the proprietary cuticle sealing strategy, emollients, stabilizers, and elasticizers can sufficiently reduce breakage to make a significant difference in the appearance of hair density, thickness and length." How significant or to what extent? -Uncanny appearance of progressive filling in of bald areas (where prevention of breakage occurs near the skin's surface & appearance of first time shoulder, below shoulder, mid-waist and below lengths ( where prevention of breakage occurs anywhere between roots and ends)-published 06/30/2017; revised 11/28/2023


Wild Growth® Oils have been proving for over 40 years that the reality of the appearance of improved beautiful and healthy hair growth can be successfully accomplished without targeting  the body's/scalp's functionality in the production of hair. Rather, the biologically pronounced 'dead' hair strand  has been the target of Wild Growth cosmetic research for decades and, as a result, Wild Growth® Oils has the 'hair growth protection' solution  of wildly transformative beauty and health appearance changes 'nailed'!

The appearance and feel of hair growth improvement credited to Wild Growth® Oils' that users show and tell comes from Wild Growth® Oils being applied to the target area of interest: Dead Hair. So let our above statement be clearly not  mis-interpreted or deemed as misleading. Simply explained, a pair of scissors or the action that scissors perform will prevent hair growth at any point along the hair strand. If at the scalp level, the result is baldness or sparseness, if breakage occurs after some accomplished growth, the result could be limited length and sparseness (lack of thickness). Wild Growth Oils condition, help retain moisture, lubricate and elasticize to reduce the scissor-effect that environment stressors have on the hair strand.  The competent maintenance and protection of this dead material pushed out by the live body and  the resulting amazing  appearance of thickness and length that follows is what Wild Growth® is dedicated to and does for the sole purpose of appearance changes.



Disclaimer: Any volunteered comments and images submitted by Wild Growth®  product users are not intended to indicate, reflect, or imply, alteration of live bodily function responsible for active biological factors in hair growth. Neither are they intended to imply product safety as judged by any regulatory criteria. These products have not been determined as safe or unsafe by any regulatory body and may play a role that has not yet been established in a potential allergic reaction.
