New now affordable 1.1X and exclusive 61X boosted versions of Wild Growth® Hair Oil  are available for Wildest Hair Growth

This symbol certifies that visitor of this page has read the Wild Growth®   Hair Growth Protection claimer and disclaimer- Click on this line or symbol.

Wild Growth Co. products are intended to only affect appearance. That is their sole purpose as promoted by Wild Growth Co. Any user claims published or not published by Wild Growth Co., whether individually or as a part of a class or category of claims are intended only to demonstrate favorable appearance changes according to subjective perceptions of users. Though users  may perceive drug-like effects whereby they can be misunderstood as resulting from affected biological processes of actual hair production  occurring in the skin dermis' hair growth anatomy, Wild Growth Co. does not authorize, endorse or encourage vendors or promoters of Wild Growth products who use such language including direct unqualified claims of 'hair growth' despite vendors stating or implying that these 'hair growth' related product descriptions are provided by the manufacturer. Neither are the Wild Growth® product ingredients list and the ingredients purposes stated by various vendors necessarily provided by the manufacturer, Wild Growth Co.. For accurate product information, always consult Wild Growth Co. intends to and strictly dedicates itself to protecting the biologically inactive keratinized hair shaft emerging from the scalp by protecting this dead material from the scissor-like effect of the external environment, so that hair can manifest itself AS IF it grows longer and fuller from biological factors, which, to Wild Growth Co., is a misconception/misperception/misunderstanding of the 'appearance only effects' of Wild Growth® Oils. See Wild Growth® Hair Growth Protection Claimer and disclaimer.

By continuing to read below and the contents of it's links, you have acknowledged Wild Growth Co.'s sole purpose explained above. Please proceed:


Wild Growth® Established 1985   & Credentials

Celebrating over 40 years of dedicated users.



Wild Growth Co. products are now available 1X, 1.1 X and 61X Wild Growth® strength of Wild Growth Co. products. All different strength levels  are created using:

                                                                                              12 Step Nutrient Complex™ unique to all Wild Growth® Oils

                                                                                                                  1X                                                 1.1X                                                            61.X

                                                                                                   1X                                                                          1.1X                                                      61.X

1X-Wild Growth® Hair Oil & Wild Growth® Light Oil Moisturizer (suggested retail $12.99 each)  updated bottle look and previous versions for SALE! 

1.1X-Never Before Now Growth™ Hair Oil & Never Before Now Growth™ Light Oil Moisturizer  (suggested retail $14.29 each)  For sale soon!


61.X- TOUCH & GROW®  Wild Growth® Boosted Reserve™, not for resale, and available only at and direct Wild Growth Co. listings                                                                                   at: or for $789.49.     For SALE! now (new and previous style versins style versions-same product)


NEW!  Never Before Now Growth™ (Hair Oil and Light Oil Moisturizer versions):

Never Before Now Growth™ name sourcing

What's in a product name? The product's maker's own belief in the products uniqueness, strength? Or the product category-specific marketing ploy to say  'look at me!' with the use of  attention grabbing words. In contrast, the naming of Wild Growth Co. products continues to  rely upon the expressions of consumers when reporting their results.

Wild Growth Co.'s first 1985 product, Wild Growth® Hair Oil, quickly earned the Moniker/name 'Wild Growth' when it was first referred to as product 'X'  during several months  of salon and field testing. Among other terms expressed by users during this period to describe results, the term 'Wild Growth' was adopted as the product's name and it's manufacturer adopted Wild Growth Co. as the company name. Over the span of 40 years since inception, consumer reported Wild Growth® Hair Oil or Light Oil Moisturizer results have been expressed in various  but repeated ways which gave rise to Wild Growth® product testimonial categories within which consumer results were categorized. Now after forty years, Wild Growth Co. has gleaned a name from the sum total of ten's of thousands of user results expressions that regularly fall into repeated and related phrases, making for a robust name that is most representative  (testimonial categories) of  the results experienced by users of Wild Growth® Oils in general, even more representative than 'Wild Growth': 'Never Before Now Growth'. As a more accessible and affordable Wild Growth® product which is boosted in strength over original Wild Growth® Oils, Wild Growth Co. has, therefore, chosen Never Before Now Growth® (Hair Oil and Light Oil Moisturizer iterations) for it's new (yet old) Wild Growth® 1.1X boosted Oils.

 user results as 'never before now' or 'never before now'-related expressions (in red)

5.0 out of 5 stars
It’s Amazing
Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2024
Size: 4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I bought this item about 30 days ago and
I’m already seeing massive improvements. I definitely recommend it if you wanna grow out your hair.......