Original Pure True Authentic Legitimate Genuine Wild Growth® Hair Oils

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Wild Growth® intensified cuticle sealing oil nutrient complex

-exclusively developed and protected by Wild Growth Co. since 1985-



The nutrient extraction process is critical to what makes Wild Growth® Co. products unique in effectiveness no matter which  strengths (X-Wild Growth®Hair Oil or Light Oil Moisturizer, 1.1X-Never Before Now GrowthHair Oil and Light Oil Moisturizer, 61X Touch & Grow®Wild Growth® Boosted Reserve) they come in. Wild Growth Co has never been a manufacturer that only reads about ingredients and what they are known to do or reads the ingredients lists on popular products and directly incorporates them in their products. Wild Growth® has a superior approach in testing and implementing various extraction methods using twelve proprietary Wild Growth® paired enhancement and moderation steps (see 12 step=12 lance-leaf trademarked logo below) applied to various ingredients to produce unequaled results! As a result, a unique discovery was made in 1985 and has been implemented and guarded through today.




The Wild Growth® oil nutrient complex refers to a proprietary 12 step extraction process applied to key ingredients in all Wild Growth® products as promised in our vow.


Wild Growth Co.'s 12 lancelate-leaf logo represents the

                   12 Step Nutrient Complex unique to Wild Growth® Oils



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