HAIRGROWNFAST® Trade Mark Registration owned by Wild Growth Co.
Wild Growth Co.. P.O. box 14822, Scottsdale, AZ 85267
To Wild Growth Co. Introduction Page
Wild Growth Co. products are intended to only affect appearance. That is their sole purpose as promoted by Wild Growth Co. Any user claims published or not published by Wild Growth Co., whether individually or as a part of a class or category of claims are intended only to demonstrate favorable appearance changes according to subjective perceptions of users. Though users may perceive drug-like effects whereby they can be misunderstood as resulting from affected biological processes of actual hair production occurring in the skin dermis' hair producing hair growth anatomy, Wild Growth Co. focuses on protecting the biologically inactive keratinized hair shaft emerging from the scalp by protecting this dead material from the scissor-like effect of the external environment, so that hair can manifest itself AS IF it grows longer and fuller from biological factors, which, to Wild Growth Co., is a misconception/misperception/misunderstanding of the 'appearance only effects' of Wild Growth® Oils. See Wild Growth Hair Growth Protection Claimer and disclaimer.
By continuing to read below and the contents of it's links, you have acknowledged Wild Growth Co.'s sole purpose explained above. Please proceed:
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page has read the Wild Growth® Hair Growth
Protection claimer and disclaimer- Click on this line or symbol.
Wild Growth® user: "What Officer? I did not do anything wrong".
Officer: "I know you didn't, It's just that with Wild Growth® Oils, your are now under our 'Hair Growth Protection'
No worries from now on, just follow me!"
◄This symbol certifies that visitor of this
page has read the Wild Growth® Hair Growth
Protection claimer and disclaimer- Click on this line or symbol.
Fast Hair Growth from Wild Growth® Oils Hair Growth Protection:
What Users Show and Tell:
Progress using Wild Growth for three weeks.---Sharonda Mayfield-Facebook
Survey with thousands of respondents also proves just how they consider how fast Wild Growth® Oils perform:
Thin Or Bald Areas results perceived by users where Wild Growth® Hair Oil and Light Oil Moisturizer were both used.
32.1 % of Users percieve Hair Growth in Thin and Bald Areas in Less Than 1 Month Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
56.8% of Users perceive Hair Growth in Thin and Bald Areas in Less Than 2 Months Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
96.3% of Users perceive Hair Growth in Thin and Bald Areas in Less Than 1 Year Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
Longer hair results perceived by users where Wild Growth® Hair Oil and Light Oil Moisturizer were both used.
28.8 % of Users perceive Longer Hair Growth in Less Than 1 Month Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
57.6 % of Users perceive Longer Hair Growth in Less Than 2 Months Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
85.1 % of Users perceive Longer Hair Growth in Less Than 6 Months Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
95.0 % of Users perceive Longer Hair Growth in Less Than 1 Year Using Both Wild Growth Products (4 year survey)
Full description of products ►
Why Both? ► because they are
different tools for growth
So far so fast, but what else do users perceive when using Wild Growth® Oils? ►
All 'Show and Tell' category links
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