This symbol certifies that visitor of this page has read the Wild Growth®   Hair Growth Protection claimer and disclaimer- Click on this line or symbol.

Wild Growth Co. products are intended to only affect appearance. That is their sole purpose as promoted by Wild Growth Co. Any user claims published or not published by Wild Growth Co., whether individually or as a part of a class or category of claims are intended only to demonstrate favorable appearance changes according to subjective perceptions of users. Though users may perceive drug-like effects whereby they can be misunderstood as resulting from affected biological processes of actual hair production  occurring in the skin dermis' hair producing hair growth anatomy, Wild Growth Co. focuses on protecting the biologically inactive keratinized hair shaft emerging from the scalp by protecting this dead material from the scissor-like effect of the external environment, so that hair can manifest itself AS IF it grows longer and fuller from biological factors, which, to Wild Growth Co., is a misconception/misperception/misunderstanding of the 'appearance only effects' of Wild Growth® Oils. See Wild Growth Hair Growth Protection Claimer and disclaimer.

By continuing to read below and the contents of it's links, you have acknowledged Wild Growth Co.'s sole purpose explained above. Please proceed:

Purchase and Pricing

"What Consumers Show and Tell" in Other Results Categories

From Wild Growth® Defender Newspaper FIRST EDITION, circa 1996.


Before and After


Amazon L. M.
5.0 out of 5 stars It actually works!!
Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2024
Size: 4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I like that this product actually worked on my bald edges that I’ve had all my life. I have always had very thin edges, and Wild Growth seemed to fill it in. I’m pleased with it.






Honest Reviewer
5.0 out of 5 stars Got my product at a local beauty supply store!
Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2021

A stylist took my edges out so i went to get this bottle and this is the truth!

Before and after

Befores on top, Afters below

Befores on top, Afters below





Tracy Devincenzi recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
wild Growth Hair Oil works wonders! My hair has grown like 2 inches and 2 months! I will post before and after pictures in the comment section


Before and After (Longer Hair, Fast Hair Growth, Caucasian type hair)

This picture was taken January, 2020


And this picture was taken April 1st 2020






Nikki Jackson-Rogers recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook Review
April 21 at 9:26 PM · 2020
I thought my hair would never grow back, but been using this and love it. Will forever keep a bottle or two in the house..


Before and Afters (longer hair)


Carolyn Bunch recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook Review
April 15 at 1:58 PM · 2020
This is the best thing i every try, and now it's so hard to get, i truely love it , it has made my hair wonderful

Nita Beachbum Facts sis Facts my hair 2010 Vs. Now

Before and After (longer hair)

OmegaPsi Kings I got braids after one month of using it


Day Maxwell recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook Review
March 24 at 5:46 PM · 2020
I highly recommend wild growth natural hair care since I started using the products they have made my hair healthier stronger and Fuller then it was before I started using and my hair is growing

way faster than I expected all I have to say now is wow these products are amazing

Before and After (longer and fuller hair)



5.0 out of 5 stars Helps hair grow fast
Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2020
Size: 4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)Color: OriginalVerified Purchase
I use this product every wash day. I brush my hair out, apply the Oil to my roots and do a scalp massage and
apply to my ends and brush hair out.
Within a MONTH I’ve noticed growth faster than average!! Super happy
with my results so far
, definitely going to continue using this product!
1ST PHOTO: before using the oil, (Hair is straight) SECOND PHOTO: about a month into using it. (Hair is

Before and After (longer and thicker hair)





Lauren Adams Wild Growth Hair Care Facebook Community Discussion Group Review
February 24, 2020
Hair has really grown using these oils
Before and Afters (Longer Hair)




La Tonya Willis shared her first post. Facebook Comunity Forum Discussion
New Member · February 22 at 12:38 PM 2020
So I joined this group because I wanted to share my experience with WGHO. I like real raw reviews
instead of the okie doke I see all over the internet.
I’ve always had long hair, but it’s stagnant at a certain length which you’ll see in my “start” photo.
Since using WH, it grows about 6” per year since 2017. Now it just hit my “split” at my butt.
Looking forward to another 12” or so.....
Oh yeah, I literally do nothing to my hair. I straighten it once a year to measure n trim ends. Then I braid
it back up (my hair - no extensions) because of my  (profession. It works for me.

Any questions please feel free.

Before and afters (longer hair, inches of growth, below shoulder to waist length hair)



Zhinae Moor recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
February 12 at 6:33 PM · 2020
My before and after I use both the white and yellow bottle it’s been a year since I’ve been using them I would high recommend

before and after (longer, thicker hair)





Key Lynn recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
February 10 at 9:25 AM · 2020
Been using this product for years and love it. Not a fan of the smell but it's worth the growth progress. I
tend to use mine (when hair is dirty) just before I go to hair salon to get hair washed and styled.

Before and after (longer hair, below shoulder to below bra strap length)




Natalie Overby Facebook community discussion
February 9 at 11:09 PM 2020
2 weeks in. Don't mind the face mask

Before and after (Temples and edges, Hair Line, bald spots longer hair growth)

Note how in 'before' photo on bottom center shows a mild 'widows peak' with hair line receded on both sides from center. In top 'after' photo , the front hair line is much more even across because of hair growth line advancing on both sides, and therefore swallowing the former prominence of the widows peak. Also note how much longer the hair on the sides has grown.





Taye A.
Holiday, FL
February 5th 2020, 7:12 pm
This is my #1 growth oil, I’ve been using it for almost 4 years now.. and it really works! these two photos are 3 and a half years apart and of course you can see the difference! I’ve used the white and yellow bottles but prefer the white


Before and after
Photo of Wild Growth® Hair Oil by Taye A.Photo of Wild Growth® Hair Oil by Taye A.


Lakenya Torrence recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
January 17 at 10:04 AM · 2020
Did my Big Chop October 4, 2018:
Only used heat to blow out my hair for braids (4 times since the big chop) . I started using the Oil
more once I dyed my hair and noticed it didn’t retain oil as much as it did before I dyed it. While wearing
braids, I would oil my hair twice a week.

Here I am today with positive results !!!.

Before and After (longer hair, shoulder and below length hair)



Shardae Smith recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
January 6 at 4:19 PM · 2020
Been using wild growth oil ever since I did my first big chop in 2016. I absolutely looove wild growth oil I use it every other day, morning & night.  I also use it on all if my clients hair. Since using wild growth my hair has gotten hella thick & ya girl got some inches lol


Before and After (longer hair below should length hair)



Eries Renee recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
January 4 at 2:04 PM ·
yes this product works. pictures below of growth timeline. in between I keep crochet and box braids and
would let my hair breathe for at least 1 week a month maybe month 1/2.
its been about 1.5 years of me
growing my hair out. I used it only when I had braids or crochet . 2-3 times a week. depending on how
much oil my hair wanted to soak up!
I bought both off Amazon for 20$ give or take.

Before and Afters (longer hair, shoulder length hair)


5.0 out of 5 stars This stuff REALLY WORKS!!!
Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2020 Amazon Review
Size: 4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)Color: OriginalVerified Purchase
Result after using Wild Growth Hair Oil for one month. WOW  this stuff really works!! I oil my scalp just
about every other day at night because it smells a little bit.
I started using this around the first week in
December. This is my hair growth after using this for one month. Top picture was taken Dec 16, 2019, bottom
take January 1, 20202. I will definitely continue to use this.

Before and after (baldness, Hair line, Temples and Edges)  -010120 Robin Before and After-



Vilika Clayton recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
15 hrs · 11/19/19 Facebook
I lost my edges shortly after I gave birth to my son. Weeks later I lost all of my edges. I believe it was hormonal imbalance. During that time I lost my pride. My hair is my glory. I lost all kinds of hope. I truly believed once your edges are gone they’re gone!! Until I talked to a good friend about what I was going through and she said to mix peppermint oil with Wild Growth Hair Care( White bottle) at first I didn’t think it was going to work.  My hair started growing within two weeks!!  This product REALLY DOES WORK!! However, you must be CONSISTENT!! GUYS IT DOES WORK!!






Shaenell Jacobs recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
11 hrs ·
Filled in my bald spot caused by a pony in less than 2 months. I’m obsessed with product

before and after


Iam Movi Harris Wild Growth HAir Care Discussion Group Facebook
4 hrs · tagAdd Topics  08/08/19
One month after the big chop! I use both yellow and white bottles.

Before and after (Approximately one inch of growth)



Matika Sharae recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 07/22/19
20 hrs ·
I’ve been growing my hair  for close to two years and I’ll let you see the difference yourself I went from permed hair to natural incredible

Before and After



R McQueen LongliveDavid recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 07/10/19
21 hrs ·
I’ve been using this for a while now and I’m completely happy with thee results ! First time I posted apparently my hair had grown at all lOl . But it works wonders

Before and After (longer hair, Shoulder and below lengths)




Monique Nene Johnson recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
July 7 at 8:41 PM · 2019
I started using this product june 2017 after hair breakage from perms & stress. This has helped my hair come a long way from dry & brittle to becoming more healthier.

before and afters (thicker, longer, ends )





Wild Growth Hair Care Community Forum Group Discussion post.
Trekessa Henderson
July 1 2019 at 7:12 PM · tagAdd Topics
Look at my hair...... it works

Before and After   (longer and thicker hair)





Eboni Evette recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 07/01/19
3 hrs ·
I have been using the wild growth oil in the yellow bottle for about a month now, coupled with increasing my water intake & taking biotin I definitely see growth in my hair. I definitely recommend this product over 100%.


Before and After (longer hair)




Lynette James -
Wild Growth Hair Care Community (Facebook) Forum 06/27/19
Yesterday at 8:56 AM · tagAdd Topics
Hey y’all just wanted to post my hair growth since I did the big chop last year in December. Comment pictures of your hair growth if you did the big chop lol I wanna see Edit: this is from using wild growth hair oil
Before and After (Longer Hair)




Vanessa Ngoma shared a post. Wild Growth Hair Care Community Forum-Facebook 06/25/19
6 hrs · tagAdd Topics
My Natural Crown - Wild Growth Hair Oil is my magic oil. The basic component of my Natural Hair products and regime! Loving the results and my journey #Wildgrowthhairoil


Before and Afters (longer hair)
Image may contain: one or more people, selfie and closeupImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, closeup and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, child, closeup and outdoor




Ethel White recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
June 14 at 7:36 PM ·
I swear by this product. one year out from a major chop and I use it everyday.

Before and After






Jabrayah Bey recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.Facebook 06/12/19
23 hrs ·
use it often as ur hair drys out my hair as grown unrealistic so fast I'm in love ... I've married this product!! thank u so much the photo in black is b4 thee other is 3days ago

Before and After (longer hair)




Deondra Smith recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 6/04/19
23 hrs ·
It’s a great product I put it on my hair anytime I get out the shower or wake up in the morning my hair has gotten so long and wrong over the past almost 2 years I can’t wait to see how my hair flourishes in this next year

Before and After




dream rogers <>
Sat 5/4/2019 4:51 PM
Hey ! Just wanted to say I’ve been using your products and I wanted today they have been working for me like crazy. Here’s pics ! Thanks !!

Before and After



5.0 out of 5 starsGood product. Try it.
January 16, 2019
Size: 4ozVerified Purchase Wild Growth Hair Oil 4oz "Pack of 2"
The product works. I began bald bcuz i typically shave my head bcuz of the balding areas. I decided i wanted to see if i could stimulate the thin follicles. I use this in conjunction with a biotin shampoo BUT started using the oil first. The photos above are 29 days apart. Obviously, i have months to go before im satisfied but i believe this oil will help me achieve the results id like.
Before and after (longer hair, results with 29 days)



Dorothy Bradford
5.0 out of 5 stars Strong smell
December 9, 2018
Size: 4ozVerified Purchase Verified Purchase  Wild Growth Hair Oil at
Before and afters (longer hair, below shoulder length hair)


Destynee Daylynn recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
16 hrs · 10/30/18
Picture #1 was taken March 10th 2018 after a devastating chop.
Picture #2 was taken on August 10th 2018 .
Picture #3 was taken On October 13th 2018.
My hair is still growing longer and fuller.

Before and After

March 10                                                 August 10                                              October 13


Denise Davis recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
October 28 at 5:43 AM · Facebook
I wore braids from Jan.2017 till Oct. 2018 and I used Wild Hair Growth mixed with Black Jamaican Castor Oil. To keep my scalp/ hair healthy.

Before and After


Mar'Quetta Shinyea recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
October 27 at 1:46 PM · Facebook
2 years of using Wild Growth Oil & I'm in love.... Can't wait to see what it looks like this time next year!!!

Before and afters


Kaitlin McQueen recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
October 23 at 9:27 AM · 2018
Not where I want to be but definitely far from where I started June, my hair was long and damaged so the picture is after I got my ends clipped. August was
after I took my braids down and before I dyed my hair. And October was after I took my sew in down! In need of another trim but I don’t trust people out
here. All I was using was Wild Growth Hair Care! I haven’t even been taking my hair Vitamins

Before and After   (longer hair)



Shietta McKinnon recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. 10/21/18
Yesterday at 8:18 AM ·
I been using for only 3 weeks with my box braids and my hair has grown so much. This will definitely be part of my regimen for now on.

Before and Afters



Charliese Parker recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
October 19 at 7:49 PM ·
Started using this back in 11/17 this is my growth until now i literally took this yesterday. I water my hair like a plant and I’ve only straightened it one. I will say sometimes my scalp can get itchy and sensitive when i use it. Other than that no complaints. I’ve had the same bottle these months also.

Before and after


Aliya Marie recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.Facebook
October 19 at 10:34 AM ·
After a year of using Wild Growth I definitely see the difference. My hair has evened out and gotten thicker. It’s grown at least a few inches which I’m happy about, considering my hair never seemed to grow before using.

Before and After

above shoulder                                             below shoulder


Natasha OhCanada Freemantle recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
October 19 at 1:11 AM ·
My baby’s results with rice water and wild growth oil. Major growth and improved hair health.

before and after

shoulder length                4/09/18-10/16/18         below shoulder length


Octaveia Wilson recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 10/16/18
Yesterday at 11:16 AM ·
Big chop: 9/7/17 .. As of 10/16/18!
HIGHLY recommend!

Before and After (longer hair)


Lashunda Carleekylee Chase recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 10/15/18
October 15 at 11:31 PM ·
thanks it works very well
Before and after (children, thicker hair, longer hair, long term use)


Destiny Garner recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 10/15/18
October 15 at 10:42 PM ·
Definitely works. My hair grew like two inches in 8 months, not kidding. I have photos in case anyone wants to see! I have it in my hair rn as I’m laying in
bed, I’m hoping to get past bra strap length. Then eventually down my back:))

Before and afters- progression is clockwise from bottom photo (longer hair)

Will Gray recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 10/13/18
October 13 at 5:47 PM ·
Two & a half months wild growth hair saved my hairline

Before and after  (male baldness, thickness, edges, hairline)




Natasha Tate recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook 10/08/18
October 8 at 8:36 PM ·
This has been an amazing journey my baby boy was born with just a little hair. The first two pictures we’re taken December 4th 2017 when he was just 5 months old. The last two pictures were taken tonight on October 8th 2018 his hair has grown tremendously. He still have a little more to grow but he has a lot more than he started before our wild growth hair care... I highly recommend people try this product. I absolutely love it.


Before and afters  (longer, thicker, less baldness)




ByAmazon Customeron September 15, 2018
Size: 4ozVerified Purchase Wild Growth Hair Oil
This product is the best ive ever tried. I have used so many things to grow my edges and this is the only product that really WORKS! I rub it on my edges every night before bed! its been 7 weeks today and this is what this oil has done for me!!!!!

Before   After


Bre Bre Howard recommends Wild Growth Hair Care.
September 15 ·
It Really Works! Results Don’t Lie

Before and After (longer hair, below shoulder length hair, fast hair growth)




Nevaeh Cereane recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
August 23 · 2018
Can you guys tell the difference
(started 6-22-18)

Before and after  (longer hair, below shoulder length hair)



Michelle Little recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
August 14 · 2018
I cut my hair off  10/1/17 it’s now 8/14/18 and im only 10 months in and I have a head full of hair and my edges came back ??percent .... I love wild growth
sooooo much and I recommend it to everyone to try at least 1 time it will change your hair forever
Before and After (longer hair, thicker hair)


Lisa N. Battee recommends Wild Growth Hair Care. Facebook
August 12 at 7:02 PM · 2018
It's good. I use it on both of our hair! Her results tho.

Before and After


Diamond Briaunna‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-Facebook
20 hrs · 07/31/18
Started Using Wild Hair Growth July 3rd 2018 ( BOTTOM PICTURE ) .. &&; This Is My Hair Today July 31st 2018 ( TOP PICTURE ) .
I HIGHLY Recommend This Oil It Truly Works !
Before and After







Brandy Lanee'‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
July 28 at 5:04 PM · 2018 Facebook
By the power of wild growth

Before and After


Rhayvin Grant
Facebook July 25 at 3:22 PM · 2018

Wild Growth Hair Care Thank you !

Before and After






Shereigh Armitige
Facebook 07/26/18 7:03 AM
Wild growth doing justice
Before and after




Chelle Lynn? to Wild Growth Hair Care
July 20 at 12:15 PM · 2018

Before and After



07/20/18 Facebook

Children and babies

Hair grows

Thicker hair

Back of Head

Before and After


?Michelle Little? to Natural Hair Rocks
July 19 at 2:11 PM · 2018
9 months of hair freedom with. Jane Carter and Wild Growth Hair
Before and After



?NatashiaFrazier? to Wild Growth Hair Care
July 13 at 2:26 PM · 2018  Facebook
been natural for 3 years, off and on keeping my hair braided well last year in December I had got a sew in done and my edges where braided very tightly but I didn’t really think nothing of it soo in January, I decided too take my sew in out
and this was my results, After I took it down as you can see
my edges was completely gone soo i went purchase a bottle of WILD HAIR GROWTH OIL and my nigga that’s a mf Miracle cause my edges grew back in 3 months and all I did
was use this oil and kept me hair in braids but I left my edges out and used the oil 4 times a week

And this is my
before and after and plus my hair grew  Aloooooooootttttt



Vai Maree
July 14 at 11:29 AM ·
After 1 month of using wild growth Wild Growth Hair Care

Before and After

Porsche Chanel
July 4 at 9:47 PM · 2018 Facebook
4 months ago (left side) and today (right side)Wild Growth Hair Care gone have my hair back down my back Loverne Turner I need them braids ASAP

Before and After


?Saran Msmaia Smith? to Wild Growth Hair Care
July 4 at 7:56 PM ·
Here we go again......... still using Wild Growth hair oil and my hair is still growing

Before and Afters



Aaliyah Deboss? to Wild Growth Hair Care
July 4 at 12:57 PM ·
1 year big chopiversary!!!
July 3rd, 2017-July 3rd, 2018
I've been using Wild Growth from day one of my BIG chop!

Before and After



Used on baby girl
ByKimmyon June 22, 2018
Size: 4 Fluid OuncesVerified Purchase Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer
I’ve been using this oil mixed with Shea Moisture styling lotion on my daughters hair since April & i believe it’s working. It’s slow but it’s works

Before and Afters




Alfredo De'Anthony? to Wild Growth Hair Care
June 20 · 2018
What a difference a year makes! W.G.H.C. is the truth!

Before and After


Raneel Bell (Male) is feeling amazed.
June 19 · 2018
I wanted to share my results too !! This is what 1 year and 4 months of using Wild Growth Hair Care looks like!!!!!

Before and After

?Branesha Bettis? to Wild Growth Hair Care
June 17 · 2018
*** Updated Post so that people know these are my photos and real results ***

S/O to Wild Growth Hair Oil!
I have PCOS and due to the alopecia  associated with the condition I have always struggled to find anything that helps me grow my hair.
I have FINALLY found a product that works for my 4C Natural hair and I'm so grateful 8 Months later ! Thank you !
I am using the White Bottle every other day for those asking , easiest while applying to braids or twist and massaging into your scalp!

Before and After



Mistah Tucker
June 13 · Facebook
Wild Growth Hair Care in 9 months you have helped me accomplish this full healthy length????excuse the shrinking
August 24, 2017 . May 11, 2018

Before and After


Michaell Madison? to Wild Growth Hair Care
June 10 · Columbus, OH · 2018 Facebook
9months  of growth  over half the length it was when I cut out the relaxer... Thanks Wild Growth!

Before and After


Diamond Nikole
June 6 · 2018 Facebook
I’m really surprised my hair is in a puff stage. My hair has really grown a lot  since October. I still be missing my fade and my waves but I missed my hair more. #Lovingthisgrowth #wildgrowthoil Wild Growth Hair Care
So y’all can see the growth it may not seem like much but the last time I cut my hair off it took over a year to get to this point. I have both bottles but I mainly use the yellow one. I’m in love with this product. My hair is definitely growing and it’s thick and healthy!!

Before and Afters



Tyez Davis‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
May 27 2018 Facebook
One month difference! I use the product maybe 2x a week (yellow bottle with shampooing my hair  and  the white bottle for moisturizing). I could automatically tell by my new growth  it was working but I finally straightened my hair again after a month to compare and this was my result. Love this product!
Before and After


Lori Goodwin‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
May 24 2018 Facebook
This is an amazing product. I cut all my hair off a couple of years ago. I started using this product and the results are amazing! The first picture was taken January 2017 and the 2nd photo is what it looks like today!
Before and After


Prince Rodriguez
May 24 2018
Y’all don’t understand I been using this product on an off for a year now and my hair has grown tremendously  y’all better get y’all Wild Growth Hair Care Wild Growth Hair Oil WildGrowth Learning LLC I swear  it works wonders  first
pic was last year around December second pic is fairly recent
.. but my results were great less hair breakage  soft texture and more .. try it for yaself

Before and After


ByKrystalon May 22, 2018
Size: 4 Oz|Verified Purchase
Absoultely love the product! Highly reccomend this product!   If you want hair growth at an affordable price, please buy this!


   Hairline  Difference in one month.

Before and After



Bree Williams‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
May 15 2018 Facebook
I used this product when I got braid extensions and this was the result after having my braids in for a while. I highly recommend using it with  protective hairstyles. It’s all about being consistent!

Before and After (three months)


Logan Rogue‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-Facebook
May 15 · 2018
1 whole year after my big chop and i am pleased with this oil. I used the white bottle and added to my leave in and added to my normal grease. Not only is my hair longer and stronger, but breakage is down to a low, spit ends are pretty much gone. I cant wait to see my growth in another year. I will continue to use.

Before and After



Tamara S.-Influenster
Brooklyn, NY
62 reviews
Beauty Junkie Expert Level 1
April 10, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I used this oil since I went back to natural hair and my hair grew like crazy! I love it. The proofs in the growth baby!



Look at these photos!!!
BySavannah Ervinon April 4, 2018
Size: 4 Fluid Ounces|Verified Purchase
Before and after of my daughters hair. Used once a week for 4 months

Before                          After





After try 12 different oils- this one WORKS!!
ByQwn Blv on January 25, 2018
Wild Growth Hair Oil Size: 4 Fluid Ounces
It works! Yet,you 1st must " Believe "that it will. Next, use it consistently & continuously.Thirdly learn how your hair /scalp reacts to this oil. I had to massage into my scalp 2xs per day also shampoo &/or
co-wash weekly for a period of 4 weeks to begin seeing a significant increase of hair growth. I had an adjustment period , as initially my scalp was flaky and itchy.  However after 7-10 days, I no longer have dandruff  nor itchy scalp. My shampoo of choice is SheaMoisture Raw Shea butter shampoo /conditioner by Sundial Brands LLC . I tried this WHGO years ago but after my edges  thicken to my satisfaction, I discontinued usage. I'm returning to a product that worked (SN: it's thick and in TX heat can tend to run down the face ir neck(not cute!!) especially if applied around your edges in the am apply daily. ) I wanted aggressive hair regrowth so I applied daily before and after work. I will admit on the weekends ,I may only apply once. I'm thrilled with my regrowth  progress. I have a few pictures as documetation for my records, taken weekly. I continue to focus on regrowing the hair around my edges and nape due breakage  due to wearing wigs and very tight hair extensions. I have learned a valuable hair care lesson. I love my new hair growth after using this oil. I was not going to accept thinning edges or baldness .Again you must believe that your hair will regrow and use it regularly. It is a thick oil and the scent is subtle more importantly it works!!!!!  What do you have to gain but more hair???Good luck ****no chemical relaxer/ press and CHI flat iron




Ash Lee Jorhdan reviewed Wild Growth Hair Care —Facebook
Yesterday at 6:35am · 01/24/18
I love it here is showing what a year did for me..never got it past  my shoulders  before it uesd to always break happy thank you pics in comments

Before and Afters

At shoulder length

After one year Finally a product that works!
ByNicole Joneson January 11, 2018
Size: 4 Fluid Ounces|Verified Purchase
This hair oil is AMAZING!!! About 5 years ago I had a horrible sew in that resulted in  scarring traction alopecia. I’ve tried just about anything without results. In just one month my bald spot is finally growing in! I followed the instructions of gradually working your way up to a routine. I MASSAGE this into my scalp four times a week. I also massage my scalp daily paying close attention to my bald spot. (That part that is still bald will never grow in because a scar is there)


review image

Before             After


Dania Ranae
5.0 out of 5 stars 4 MONTH DIFFERENCE!!
January 21, 2017
Size: 4 Fluid Ounces
It took a year and a half to get it like the first pic without the oil and with the oil my daughters hair tripled its length  in just four months!




Wild Growth Hair Oil
By Dante walker on Dec 29, 2016
I've been using this product for a month and these are my results! I can't wait to see what 6 months to a year will look like.







October 1, 2016 Amazing if you have alopecia
Wild Growth Hair Oil Size: 4 Fluid Ounces
This product is simply amazing ! I have alopecia and I have struggled for years trying to find the right products to aid in hair growth and FINALLY after seeing a Facebook add and clicking through all the tutorials I decided to try it and I'm so thankful that I did.
I am natural been natural for 2 years now but just recently stopped hiding under wigs.
I wear protective styles other than braids so I can take the time to wash my hair and oil my scalp properly.
I also use this oil in my conditioner as well for wash days.
Please try this product  if you struggle with alopecia or dry scalp or even unhealthy hair.
My 4c hair has come so far in such a short time with this oil
I started using this oil in april 2016 so 6 months


September 20, 2016
I started using wild growth hair care on Sa'riya when she was 3months her hair was trying to come out and just like everybody else I thought it was b.s but its not a month later my baby hair is back like it never left and her cradle cap is gone as well #Aug19/#Sep20 #2016 it works fr I use it myself -Facebook




September 14, 2016

"Four months.. fastest  healthiest  beard I've ever grown." Jae Edwards -Facebook




Kincia B. Charles added a new photo to Wild Growth Hair Care's timeline(Facebook) — feeling amazed.
September 11 at 5:05pm ·
Yesssssssss i am telling u guyz it works!!!! 2 months ago...look at the result... I couldn't be happier  #WildGrowth i just ordered my second bottles.. Can't wait to see more growth



August 11, 2016



"I also love wild growth. Glad to see results in only 2 years."-Facebook



China Leay Lynn‎Wild Growth Hair Care

After using this I saw a major difference ! My hair felt thicker and softer .. I big chopped in February because my hair was uneven an I kept using heat an chemicals .. I decided to go natural no heat until I wanted to see how long hair grew an this is a 6 month difference ! It reaches past my collarbone !




Jasma Brown'SugaSlim Johnson‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-Facebook
July 16 · Baton Rouge, LA

Wow! Wild Hair Growth really does work! My baby boy suffered from hair loss back in Feb when he caught a ringworm. I've tried just about everything, nd nothing seemed to help its been 5 months now of dealing with this! I bought that bottle of hair oil EXACTLY ONE week ago, nd look @ da difference of only 3 uses in ONE week. Thank God



June 12, 2016

- V. N. " It really works!" - Facebook

before and after  progress

After (close up)


‎Jayy Brown‎ -Facebook

I had a haircutt every since last year and it seemed like my hair was growing to slow i was in a rush to grow my hair out .So I started to use this product and every since then my
hair been growing so fast
    this really does work

before and after




‎Jaylon Georgia‎ -Facebook

I used Wild Growth Hair Care for 2 months now look at my hair now.. It really works

before and after






Kee BrownSkin Smith‎ -Facebook

Before picture on far right and center picture is the growth I love this and when I tell u this was only 2 months of using

before and after

                    after            before




‎Jordynn Niccole‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

OK as y'aa see my baby went bald as most babies do. So I been using thhis oil on her hair for lil over a month now & she now has edges & she finally has hair in the back. Not
fully grown in all the way in the back but coming from completely bald to the hair she has now is a big accomplishment for us LOL.

before and after


‎Ashonte Amir Ayden‎ -Facebook

I love this product... My sons journey within 1 month
Left picture was taken on May 9th 2016 & Right picture was taken on June 7th 2016

Before and After




‎Daé Bartley‎ -Facebook

Going to continue using this product . I use it every other day. My edges are growing in. Slowly but surely.

before and after

Britany Brook Harrel‎ -Facebook

switched from the green bottle to the yellow bottle and it works just as good... From January to June and it's still growing!!

before and after




‎Meka Mays‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

I Love this product.... I battled with my hair for years... I always wore braids and weave and never wore my real hair cause I never had any edges. So I cut my hair in March
and was using all types of different grease to bring my hair back, but then one day on facebook I ran across this product and said let's give it a try, So I started using wild
growth (white bottle) in May and I love the results so far... The pics on the top is my results after using the product for less than 30 days. The pic on the bottom is before I
started using.. I'm so confident about my hair now that I'm rocking my short color style. I recommend ppl using this product and I know that I'll continue using it.... THNX

before and after



Micheleray Grandison‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-FaceBook 060516

I just realized how well the Wild Growth Hair Oil have been working on my son's hair. The basketball picture was taken in January 2016 and the pool picture was just taking
yesterday. He doesn't apply the product as recommended but uses it when when his scalp is dry or we are touching up his locks. I can't wait to see the results of my daughter's
hair. Yes I'm using it too & have seen a growth due to I needed a color touch up within 3 weeks. Thank You! 😄 Wild Growth - We're loving it!!!

before and after




Myz Jackie O-FaceBook‎ 060316

My amazing hair journey... I didn't use it like I was suppose to but still have amazing results!! Just imagined if I did

before and after





Fernando Johnson-Facebook

May 2nd I went to prom with my best friend. Yesterday (June 2nd) I had an interview downtown. 4 weeks later and this is the results of the white bottle oil ! Even my part that I
had razor cut has completely grown back.
If you were unsure about buying it, let this be what convinces you.


before and after



Kyndra Gamble-‎ Facebook 6/2/16

Love wild growth oil..!!!!! Did the "BIG CHOP" feb19th and loving my afro because of this product. It would take almost a year for my hair to have this much growth.

Before and after (fast growth)


Tia Tia Tia-Faceboook 05/31/16

After Only One Month

before and after



Diamond Jackson‎-FaceBook 05/30/16

Been Using "Wild Growth Hair Care" For Almost 2 Months Now And The Results Are Amazing ...My Hair Is Growing Faster Than Ever With This Product


before and after


James Wilson-Facebook 05/26/16
Started using this stuff May of last year till present pic on the right is today I'm sold lol ‪#‎Wildgrowth‬ is the truth.

before and after


Tee Tee Evabless Stephenson-FaceBook052616
May 26 at 8:13am ·

Good Morning Want to share my Awesome News 😏 I Cut my hair April 26 and been only using this product for a month I recently took the After picture yesterday and took the
Before Picture the day of my cut. This product is highly recommended never had any edges but since I've been using this awesome product I've been experiencing        wonders 😍
so to those who's wondering about this "Wild Growth Hair Care" I say Try it you won't regret it and Good Luck on your Journey

before and after



Dynasty Danielle Boneparte‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
May 23 at 10:38am · -Facebook

It worked wonders 1 year growth!!!! It's not even stretch out ‪#‎wild‬ growth oil is the truth


Before and after


May 23, 2016

Kay'Love Anderson Thomas-facebook

before and after (shiny, silky, longer hair)

July 24, 2015         December 25, 2015      May 23, 2016


RayNi'cole‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
May 22 at 8:04pm ·

Right: Jan. 2016 Left: May. 2016 Even through relaxing, bleaching, and applying hair has managed to grow about four inches. Thanks to WGHC, I'll achieve my goal
(bra strap length) before the end of the year.

before and after (long enough to rest on the back of the shoulders)




May 22 at 3:53pm

CurlyOliviaPopp‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

I had wild growth oil for almost a month, my hair is softer and thicker and growing faster

before and after


May 22 at 11:33am · Cypress, TX
‎LaKia Latrice‎ -Facebook

before and after 2012-2016


May 22 at 9:52am
‎Whitney Black‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

I didn't get a before pic of the big bald spot I had at the crown of my head but as you can see it is now filled in/covered...this is one month worth of growth n it means a lot to
me because I have been trying to regrow my hair forever....I love this oil!! Thanks wild growth

before and after


May 21 at 7:35pm · Emerson, AR
‎Gwendolyn Murphy Reed‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

Before and after-2 1/2 months using wild growth hair oil!


May 21 at 5:05pm · Chicago, IL

‎Jj Jackson‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

I started my hair journey in January. I've been using the white bottle since the late March, early April and in only one month my hair has  grown so much! I highly recommend
this product!!

Before and after


May 21 at 11:28am
Yahirra Lawrence‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

Love this product only been using it for two months and it works🙏🏾 I've even used it on my little sister's hair and her hair grew as well I have nothing but good things to say
about (wild growth product) it's light and it has a pleasant smell and it's so natural

before and after

JeanaDPerie‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

before and afters-21 months in



Brittany Robichaux‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

May 21 2016 at 5:50am

2 1/2 months of Wild Growth with one 2' trim in between these two pictures. The white bottle is AMAZING!! The natural oils leaves my hair moisturized, thicker, and easy to
. Having a relaxer isn't easy but this oil makes it the best  it's ever been, the longer it gets the better it looks and feels. I can't wait to take the rest of my briads down..

before and after




May 20 2016 at 5:42pm

Jay Boogie‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care
This is my friend Keelan Singleton after 1 month of using wild growth💯
‪#‎It ReallyWorks‬

Before and after


May 20 2016at 4:15pm

Øffïćìàl Řìćhýý‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care

In three months

before and after

May 17, 2016


Jazz So'Real Thomas
May 17 · Edited · Facebook
Worked for me..I use the white bottle 3xs a week and the yellow one when i wash my dreads..bout time to stock back up

Before and After:




May 12, 2016 8:10 pm

Hello. After 12 years with locks, last July 2015 I cut them off and discovered
disastrous hair loss. It kept falling out since, I became depressed. Spent so much
money with no results.
Then February 2016 I finally tried Wild Growth, results
noticed in a matter of a few weeks.
I can't brag enough about your product. I hope
it would grow even faster :) but I am ever so grateful for the progress thus
far. KEEP IN MIND after a few weeks your product had positive results.
Thank you thank you thank you. Ms D.
Top (big) picture taken early April 2016 the other 2015.




December 30, 2015

Source -submitted on instagram

Before and after showing results for temples and edges, hair line, front/forehead hair growth and






December 24, 2015

I started using the yellow bottle after taking crochet braids out a couple of weeks ago. I wish I'd taken before pics because I had bald spots. And my hair grows very slowly. I bought it on a whim. And I have hair coming in now and my edges  were completely slick bald. As I said my hair grows very slowly so I do think this has made a difference. It's not much but this is major for me because it really was Kojak slick

Before and After

Before-slick bald, Kojak slick in the temple.





December 16, 2015

Tevin Gibbs-Facebook

The pic on the left was on October 7th and the one on the right was on November 27th so I can't say

 this don't work and it may be higher when I blow dry it again which I plan on doing on Friday I'm

 happy with the length of my hair  right now  I've been using this since November 5th and of course

 I'm not expecting a Afro but my hair is growing back FAST since I cut in October even though this

 stuff smell I mixed it with hot six oil more jojoba oil Rosemary oil and lavender tea tree oil and biotin

 and that kinda killed that smell but when I apply it I use a scented hair moisturizer I made other than




Before and After








"The left photo is before WG and the right photo is yesterday and I been using WG for a month."- Tevin Gibbs Dec 19th,2015





November 30, 2015

"I suggested my friend wild growth as I saw ur fb page reviews Development is just 1 months it is just loss  reduce....she is very thankful. We are Indian."-Deo Pinky from FaceBook.

 Before and After



November 24, 2015


Tricia Buntyn. Regular Formula 3Xs a Week depending on style&weather for moisture

It absolutely Works for my Hair I'm Satisfied


Before and After

Tricia Buntyn's photo. (112415FBTriciaBuntynBeforeandAfter)


November 19, 2015

"Braids had brought my baby 's edges OUT, so from Late June to August before school started, Wild

 Growth help bring edges back... Still use it.."-Brandy Hunter

Before and After


Brandy Hunter- FaceBook



November 12, 2015


From Twitter


Week 1 vs. Week 2. Ahh don't you just love it when you can see the growth?! Wild Growth Hair Oil is

 all  I use.


Before and After

                                                                                        week1                                                             week 2  





November 10, 2015

‎Monica Forbey‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-FaceBook

November 10 at 7:50pm ·

Did my big chop Dec 2014. Bottom pic my hair today Nov 2015 ‪#‎ItWorks


Before and After







November 9, 2015


Ashley Murray‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-FaceBook

November 9 at 10:01pm ·

Soooo... I didn't even know yall had a page but yay! Right pic is old, left is 8 weeks later ‪#‎itworks‬

Before and After

(actually After and Before)


                         After                                                  Before




November 5, 2015

Starr Wilson I also use Wild Growth Oil and swear by it. I'll be posting picture videos and tips as there already a few posted....

Before and After

Starr Wilson's photo. 110715FBStarWilsonBeforeandAfter
Like · Reply · Message · 3 · November 7 at 2:26pm



October 29, 2015

from Facebook

It works, my daughter has natural hair the right side is shrinkage, i box braid her hair and only use this, her hair absorbs these types of oils, and she has real growth results. TieshErwin-Bosland

Before and After


October 28, 2015


"In May 2015, my hair started thinning very bad. In early July, I went on YouTube looking for products to make my hair grow fuller and fast. While searching, I came across a Youtuber, Yanii Torres who was given a review on Wild Growth Hair Oil. She was so convincing. I went to local beauty store and brought WHO. I started using it on July 1, 2015. On that same day, I took the picture on the left before I cut 5-6 inches of hair. As you can see, my hair is getting longer and thicker  in less than 3 months. I have a lot of new growth. Thanks so much for making that oil. It really works. The picture on the right was taken on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Keep up the great work!!!!"- Skylar Pierce

                                                Before and After


October 27, 2015

From Facebook

Josie Barrera. This product so fantastic, I loved, I was alopecia and now have hair. It works.


Before and After


October 23, 2015

Jessica DiamondJlo Smith's photo.

‎Jessica DiamondJlo Smith‎ to Wild Growth Hair Care-FaceBook
October 23 · Vinings, GA ·

This picture shows two weeks worth of hair growth using your product.. I love it!

Before and After

(actually After and Before)

     After  (notice length of dark new growth)             Before



October 21, 2015

Stacey QualQual

I started using wild hair growth in Febuary and wow I love my hair and the product. Febuary -October 2015

Before and After

October 19, 2015


Britany Brook Harrel‎ (Facebook) to Wild Growth Hair Care

Almost one year since I started using Wild Growth Oil and I'm happy with my results...

                                   Before and After (left to right)




October 19, 2015

" my opinion both works very well. White, I massage into my scalp. "Yellow, I use on wash day. I put 3 drops into palm of hand and mix it with my shampoo. This step really helps me with detangling and shedding."-Matthews Lynnette Delois






October 12, 2015

‎Britany Brook Harrel‎ -Facebook- to Wild Growth Hair Care

9 months worth of growth, I love your products!!!


Before and After



October 08, 2015

"I can tell a difference." -Matthews Lynnette Delois- FaceBook

Before and After

(improvement in  front, hair line/edge, and length




October 2 , 2015
"Used this product back in 2013...when I was a fool to chop my hair off... That is a months progress. I

 recommend it...highly!!!"-Valian De'Shun-Facebook


Before  and After

(clockwise from bottom photo.Notice it was cut to the nape of the neck in photo 1, past shoulders in

 photo 2, at bottom of shoulder blade in photo 3 )


October 2 , 2015

Facebook-Wild Growth Hair Care

"Ive been using this product for the past 17 years. Whenever my edges fall out from perms or sewins.

 I use this  and it grows right back. 👌"- Kyomi Kane

Before and After (actually after and before-right to left)



September 29, 2015

Facebook-Wild Growth Hair Care

"Not even one month yet love the wild growth oil hair care 💚"- MrsGaelle Queen


Before and After (Actually before on the right and after on the left)





August 26, 2015

5.0 out of 5 stars

amazing product

Byjoannaon August 26, 2015

love it my hair already looks way healthy and longer






Hello. My name is NeVonn. I've been using your products since mid April 2015 as I had discovered I had some

 bad alopecia. I had a huge bald spot on the top of my head. After cutting all of my hair off and using your

products I am able to now wear my natural hair without any real trace of the bald spots. I've included a picture

 from may to June of 2015 just to show some of how amazing your product has been. I won't use  anything else!

 The smell is worth the results! Thank you thank you!


Before and After







Elaine La'rue Jackson-FaceBook

Yes it works my granddaughter had a bald spot in the back of her head now she has I can make a

 ponytail for her is little but is there. I had a short haircut and decided to grow my hair back I've been

 using the products I think since May and I have like 3 inches of gross (wth)  I can put a ponytail my

 hair now  and it has changed to texture my hair was coarse and brittle now it's softened little thinner

 I'm so  glad I decided to try this product I tried other things but didn't get no results


Before and After


You can see her bald spot right here and this was a couple of months ago now I can put two small

 ponytails back there with no problem and the rest of her hair is long and little ponytails are getting ,

 thicker and longer sometimes she don't want me to put it in there but I do it anyway is good to brush

 the hair then put it in and then brush the hair again afterwards to stimulate the hair follicles



This was taken a month and a half ago I think it's a little bit longer now can't find any with the back of

 her head but the product really does work I am truly very satisfied with it give it a chance to see the





The top was taken on 4/29/15 and the bottom pic was taken on 5/14/15. I am so pleased that I am seeing less of a

 shine on my scalp! There's still room for improvement, but I’m thankful for some progress because that tells me

 that drinking water, working out, and treating my scalp are paying off:) I plan to post another update pic soon

 with the same style so that you can see how far I’ve come. I’m so grateful to God:)- Crown and Glory


Before and After




Jennifer Fontenot‎Wild Growth Hair Care

Three years ago today I cut all my hair off. I Only uses wild growth oil, i take care of my hair outside the oil. Clip

 ends, wash n condition, etc. But here is proof. I love this oil and my new virgin hair. Lol.. It was hard at times like

 picture number 2 but I made it and hair is longer than the last photo still growing.


Before and After



Jayde CollegeGal Robinson-FaceBook

 "It works  I've been natural all my life... I've always had full thick hair back in 2012 I

was sick and the meds ate my hair out so I cut all my hair off with in 6 months you couldn't even tell!!!! This stuff 


Before and After



-meds ate my hair out so I cut all my hair



-with in 6 months you couldn't even tell!!!!




Natara Clark‎-FaceBook- Wild Growth Hair Care
July 31 ·

Been using it for 2 months now, its been working miracles lololol...

       Before and After            

Before                          After (two months later)




Sissy Lindsey -FaceBook 07/28/15
I've been using it for about 2 months and I love it

Before and After

This is what my edges used to look like

Sissy Lindsey's photo.

And as u can see they feeling (filling) back in





I've been using your product and its wonder. My hair was soo damaged due to me modeling. And having to have different weaves and hairstylist in my hair. The picture below shows my growth on the left the picture was taken April of 2015 on the July 2015 I'm going to do a follow up pictures in three months..

Before and After

April                                                         July

                                                    (Longer and thicker/fuller)






 absolutely love this oil,I started growing my hair a year ago. July 12,2015 made and a year .And about

 7 months ago I started using this "Wild growth oil" and my hair has grew tremendously . this is not

 even the half.But I love this growth oil and I refer it to everybody .I am so very satisfied with the oil

 and my hair I will continue to buy this product and continue to post pictures for  true results.


Before and After



Gee TooCute Dennis- Facebook






June 24, 2015

Tanesia Waring Fisher‎Wild Growth Hair Care
June 24 near Pearland, TX ·

Before and After


Before►and ◄After

I used the white bottle. This is Feb 2015 to May 2015..
I was also taking Biotin


June 22, 2015

Patrice Blugh‎-FaceBook-Wild Growth Hair Care

'Before December 2014 After June 2015 really works'

Before and  After


June 16, 2015

Belinda Brown-FaceBook - June 16th 2015

Before I dyed my hair. Back was thin  from wearing head bands. Used growth oil daily and massaged in.

Before and After


June 8, 2015

I wanted to share with you all on my hair journey...the pic on the left as taken May 1st 2015 and the second one was taken May 26th 2015...this oil is absolutely amazing it really works.... Chasity Jones-FaceBook
Today at 8:27am

Before and After



May 30, 2015

Monique Ms'quaybaby Burnett-FaceBook
May 30 ·
I love it I use it on my daughter's hair and it grew her hair out.

                                            Before and After-clockwise



May 27, 2015

La Verne Vernie Palmer-FaceBook


         04/14      It Has Grown

Before and After



April 27, 2015

Robin Counts DeDear-Face Book
Yesterday at 3:25pm

Before and After

My 3 yr old  has   hair  thanks to your wild hair growth oil. Thank you!!!




March 8, 2015

Patricia Isabel Rivas Mar 8th, 4:42pm -FaceBook

"This Hair Care is a true blessing! My hair in just one month and a half has gotten thicker and longer. Truly blessed."- (before and after photos below)


February 18, 2015

Before and After Photos


                  Before   After                          Before   After

"Yes! I can deff say this stuff works. I feel for everyone that says that it hasn't worked for them or its breaks them out. I had a color/perm mishap on my edges a few days before Christmas and both bottles have grow them back. I also use it In my sew ins. I got my hair done on jan 22nd and my hair already is loose with new growth. I use it Every other day and everyday on my edges. Thanks!"- Ashley Adel Bomar-Facebook


Nov 5, 2014

Before and After

(Mother and Daughter)

I've been a fan of WGHO for years!  In fact, I gave two testimonies back in 2006 about how fantastic this miracle in a bottle is!!Well.... years later and I've started to use it in my daughter's hair.  The results are, well... see for yourself!  The pic on the right is from May 2014 and the pic on the left is less than 6 months later from October!  My daughter's hair is natural, but for the picture, I had it "blown out" so I could get a better measurement of the length.  

I love this stuff.... the smell is bearable, especially considering the results I'm getting.  


I love this stuff!!!  You have a customer for life!!! Seriously!!!!


If anyone has any questions, please have them contact me via my email at; I'd be happy to answer any questions about my experience with this magic stuff!!


PS... I'm starting my hair journey again too... I will take a before and then an after a little later then I'll send another update.... 


Before                     After


After                          Before

Testimonial & photos back in 2006:

It’s me again!  I know I promised I’d send in another picture in December, but I didn’t think there was much growth to show.  I was wrong.  In December, I took a picture, but didn’t really see a difference between my November and December length (because I took the December picture when my hair was wet).  I took another picture last week, again while my hair was wet, so I could have a real comparison. I have had many people email me and ask different questions about WG.  They want to know how often I use it, if I’m using any other products and does it really work. I use WG every other day, but I don’t use any other products (like special shampoos or anything).  As for the growth…if you look at the picture from December and then the picture FOUR WEEKS LATER in January, the growth is obvious!  The December picture is a bit larger than the January picture, but if you only concentrate on the hair length, the difference is clear.  I have a picture of my hair dry as well, but I believe the growth is clearer with the wet pictures.

I don’t know what took so long for me to find this wonderful product, but I thank God that I did!  I have told my friends and family about this product.  Every single one who has used WG, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, has experienced fantastic results!

I know you might be skeptical – trust me, I was too! But I took a chance and now, just eight months later, I have long, strong and healthy hair
that is growing faster than it ever has!  When I look at the June picture picture (from my earlier testimonial) and compare it with the January picture I am amazed.  WG is truly a phenomenal product.  Thank you, WG, for helping me regain the health in my hair!  I will try to send another picture in March, then again in June so I can show a year of WG use.
Again, I am available at to help answer any questions about my personal experience with this product!

Before and After

Before           After 1     After 2

YB, Florida


Like almost everyone reading about things on the Internet, when I read about Wild Growth Hair Oil, I thought it was another falsely advertised product.  I read all of the testimonies (and I do mean all of them) and still thought it was a gimmick.  I mean, come on, if it WAS this good then why hadn't I heard of it before?  Anyway, since it didn't cost much and it was just a natural oil, I decided to try it?  What did I have to lose?  The worse that could happen was that my hair would get some much-needed oil. 
So, I tried it.  I have a perm and had suffered some major damage and hair loss from some not-so-smart decisions I had made concerning my hair  - including over processing and the use of bonding glue.  My hair was in the process of growing back, but it was growing back slowly.  I was happy with its growth because I had damaged it so bad that I looked as if I had shaved some parts of my head.  I was hoping Wild Growth would work, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. 
Okay, so what happened?  I first tried it in in the beginning June.  I didn't notice much because I had my hair braided at the time.  I used it every week, about twice a week or a little more.  I took the before picture right (before picture ) I began using it.  I unbraided my hair in July.  I noticed that my hair was softer and a bit longer, but I didn't take an after picture then.  Instead, I just braided it up again (I actually had my beautician braid it up again).  My beautician commented on how much my hair had grown
, but I really didn't pay much attention to her comments then. 
I kept using Wild Growth regularly and then... I unbraided my my hair again, about six weeks later, and took my first after picture.
  I was amazed
.  My hair had grown significantly!  My beautician commented on how healthy it was and how much it had really grown.  Of course, I still couldn't believe it, so I thought I'd do another test.  I braided it up again and decided to take another (after picture ) picture.  When I unbraided my hair, it was obvious that it had grown a lot even in the seven weeks since I had last braided it. 
All in all, since June (it's now November), my hair has grown about five inches (that's about an inch a month).  I haven't cut it since it began it super growth spurt, but I will even it out soon.  In spite of not being trimmed, it is so much healthier, it's thicker and it's stronger.  I love it!  I will be a Wild Growth fan forever.  I've told my family and friends and I show them the pictures as proof. 
I know it may be hard to believe and for those who still are uncertain or skeptical, please feel free to email me with questions about my use    By the way, I plan to send in another picture in December. 
Thank you so much Wild Growth... you are the savior for my hair.

Before                             After

Miami, Florida 
Please feel free to use this testimony as you choose.  I hope it helps someone else to make a decision that will change their hair forever.  I understand that I will not receive any payment for this testimony or the pictures.  I have submitted these pictures and testimony voluntarily.



September 27, 2013

By    Melonie

5 out of 5 stars- This review is from: Wild Growth Hair Oil 4 Oz (Health and Beauty)-
I was skeptical about this at first, as everyone is I'm sure. I had read bad things about the scent and all sorts of things. First off, the scent is NOT that bad. It isn't something that I've had anyone complain about. I also couldn't smell it on my own head unless I moved my hair in front of my face. Second, it DOES help my hair grow. I am Caucasian with fine hair. It is difficult to grow past my shoulder blades normally as it gets stringy and breaks off. I've been using this once a week for over a month now and I have noticed significant  growth in my hair. I thought it was just myself who noticed it and maybe that it was all in my head, but then after a few weeks my mom commented on it, then my friends began to. I have had so many people ask me where all my hair suddenly came from. My hair is more manageable now and healthier for sure. Also, I don't just apply it to my roots. As I said before, my hair gets stringy when I try to grow it out. I have been applying it to the ends of my hair too and it has helped with breakage. My hair is well past my shoulder blades now and I'm hoping that continuing this regimen will help it grow to my desired link by the time summer rolls around.


UPDATE: I have included pictures from when I had been using it for a month, to a year later. Within that year I had maintenance trims to keep split ends at bay and I had lost my product in a move after about 6 months of usage. My hair still continued to grow rapidly and healthy. I stated before that it was hard to get it past my shoulder
blades, with Wild Growth Hair Oil, I did not have that issue, as you can see.
I have since cut my hair and donated it. I am hoping to be able to donate by year's end, so I'm reenlisting this product for help. I'm pretty excited.


        Before             After (1 Year Later)



October 07, 2012

thank you for your product

before wild growth my daughter's hair didn't seem to grow. she is a mix child and i always grew up thinking mix children hair will grow. but a last it never grew like most little girls. but i brought your product and tried it on her hair in about 2 months i saw a big difference in the texture and length  grew like a weed...i love your product i even tried it on my hair and its softer and longer  than ever thank you for this "hair tonic" hope that your product stays in business in the future so when i have grandchildren i can use it on their hair (crossing fingers)


Before and After



June 25, 2012

Before and After

I have been using wild growth hair oil for 4 months. I had a very bad bald spot from a sew in done wrong. The first image is 3/3/12 the second one is 6/25/12. I will continue to use the oils, they are great for my hair.







December 22, 2011

Wild Hair Growth Oil

Submitted  Thursday, December 22, 2011 6:47 PM by Rachel


What is it?
I am doing a review on Wild Hair Growth Oil. I found it at Sally Beauty Supply. I got it about a month ago but I have only used it a few times I wanted to wait so I could make a post about it to see my progress better. I just bought the oil but there is a light oil moisturizer also. I have read a lot of reviews on it and decided to try it out.
It is supposed to help your hair grow faster, stronger, thicker, and healthier.

Before and After

 Before at 13 inches

What am I doing with it?
so starting out i measured a piece of my hair from the bottom, it was 13 inches long. (This was a 15 inch ruler.) I am starting this a month from tomorrow so on January 23 we will see how much my hair has grown :) i hoping it will be quite a bit!

After one month-141/2-15 inches

So its been a little over a month and my hair is now 14 inches long! My hair really ends around 14 1/2-15 inches but most of my hair ends at 14 or a little before, so I decided to go with that.

How I use the oil.

I just drizzle a little bit on my hand and massage it in my scalp, then I drizzle a little less on my hand and apply it half way and run it to the bottom. I brush it out and put my hair up. Usually I try to do this right when i get home from school so it can soak in longer. I sleep on it and wash it out in the morning :) You can wear this all day or apply after you shampoo, but for me it makes my hair look a little greasy, but it will defiantly help more! (Sorry not the best picture because my camera was dying and the oil was running everywhere!)

More Information on Wild Hair Growth Oil.

It has a really weird smell because of what it is made up of. You can really smell it when its in your hair so I suggest that you put another good smelling product in. Its not a super bad smell it just doesn't smell like roses. (I really don't even like the smell of roses that much I don't know why people always say that!)

I hoped this helped!

June 05, 2011

From: N H <>
Date: 3. juni 2011 16:49:37 GMT+02:00
Cc: <>

Subject: my hair is well i love this oil
Been using wild growth oil only and its a mazing of wht its done to my hair now av orderd 6 bottles of the wildgrowth oil and 6 bottles of the moisturzer . I have never used the light oil moisturizer before so m just thankful very much to have found this amazing site whn i just was googling and since then av never regreted . as you see my hair was so short n never grew in the other foto of 2008/ 2009 n now its 2011 and its great n healthy n very strong no breakage . i started using in 2009 the 2 bottles of wild growth oil then i bought the third bottle in 2010 but now av decided il be using it frequently more than i did before so av orderd a full year supply ill be sending updates, ill start using frequently immeditely i get my order and ill see how fast my hair will grow.

Before and After

       Before                                    After1                                 After 2                       After 3    

Nancy from Norway



May 11, 2011

From: F., D. [mailto:<>]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: I will never be without this product!!!


Three years ago, after BC’ing my hair 3x’s over a period of almost 12 years, I decided to let my hair grow out, in its natural state. For two years, I kept my natural hair in protective styles and made sure to moisturize every day. Back in November 2010, while in Sally Beauty Supply, I was looking for something to use while flat ironing my hair and the salesperson suggested Wild Growth Oil. I assured her that I didn’t want to use anything too heavy but still wanted the benefit of shiny, frizz free, healthy hair that would not break  while using heat styling appliances. She told me WGO does all of that and more! I bought some, took it home and I will never be without it ever again. It will remain in my hair care arsenal as a mainstay! I use it on my scalp every other day  and on my ends when my hair is straight from flat ironing. It’s been a miracle worker and I have not been shy about telling anyone that this product works. All of my friends and family that I have suggested buying WGO, has tried and loved it too! I tell everyone! Even the people who come up to  me, touch my hair and ask is it weave…Please keep this product the same!

Before and After

                                                                                                            Before                                                 After


Ms. D. F.

October 11, 2009


---- Original Message -----

From: S.B.


Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 7:42 PM



Before and After

This is my now 8yr old daughter Celese. The pictures are from December of last year and June of this year. There is a big difference in growth with her hair using the wild growth hair oil. Thanks. Sharmaine.






October 7, 2009

----- Original Message -----

From: Strawberry Milk


Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 5:59 PM

Subject: RE: Wild Growth Co. Request for Customer Feedback


Hi yes I will do a survey thanks I also attached more pics of my hair now thanks so much.

Before and After


April 8 2008

October 7 2009

Strawberry Milk


January 07, 2009

Before pictures (bald right and bald left) were taken in early July '08. I previously had relaxed hair that was well past my shoulders, but I cut all of that off in June '08 because I wanted to start over with natural hair. What I didn't realize is that the hair near my temples was actually very thin and nearly bald. When I noticed this I went out and bought some Wild Growth Oil. I applied it especially to my temples every 2-3 days. I began to see improvement within a week!

The first after pictures (combed out hair and braidout) were taken in late August '08. It is clear that the edges are now filled in (after 2 months of using Wild Growth Oil) and overall the hair is fuller and longer. The last picture was taken in mid December '08. So that's about 5 months of growth! The hair is soft, fluffy, and completely healthy!

I am constantly telling other people about Wild Growth Oil. It is my major hair staple, because I can use it to achieve so many different styles. I use it to moisturize and set my hair for twistouts, braidouts, coilouts. I use it to smooth down my edges, and my edges are smoother now than they ever were when I relaxed my hair!


Before and After

      <----------Early July 8, 2008------>            <---- Late August 2008----------->       Mid December 2008  

Tamara H., Georgia



October 18, 2008

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:57 AM

Subject: i love my hair


Wildgrowth has brought my hair back! Ever since I was young, I have continually relaxed my hair, and after years of damage, I nearly lost all of my hair! A friend of mine recommended that I use Wildgrowth. At first I was skeptical but after using this product, I have never had my hair as healthy as it is now. I started using wildgrowth 4 months ago and I've seen DRASTIC improvements in the way my hair looks and FEELS. There are many women out there who are facing the dilemma I went through with my hair, and I would recommend your product to them in a heart beat. Thank you! 

     Before and After


            Before           After (4 months later) 



July 10, 2008

----- Original Message -----

From: Christine A.

To: wild growth

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:34 PM


Sorry its taken me forever to send these pictures of my hair growth. I have since trimmed my hair but I'm still getting great results. And now I'm using the light oil I love the smell lemon fresh



Thanks again 4 your product much love

Christine A




April 28 , 2008

----- Original Message -----

From: Melissa S.


Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 2:21 PM

Subject: Thank You


Hello, I would like to thank you for helping my hair grow to great lengths, within 2 and half months I have 3 1/2. I apply your product twice week and I also wash my hair in coconut milk for extra softness. My hair feels like mink when I air dry it and it is growing like a weed. I want to say thank you because you have given me a new look for this summer. Imagine when July comes wow, I’ll be so happy. Thank you for this product in advance and may you always remain the same. I have taken some photo within a two month period.



               Before             <------------After 2 1/2 months-------->


  Sincerely,     M.B,



April 19 , 2008

From: T. C.[mailto:--------------------------]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: Testimonial



I have been using WGHO for a few years now, I just have not been able to send in a testimonial. I had been pursing modeling and I did not like the fact that my hair was so short. I wanted it to be longer so SO BAD! I found WGHO on a Google search, checked out the website and started reading the testimonials. The testimonials persuaded me so I decided to give it a shot. Yes, it made my hair feel softer! Yes, it kept my perm longer! Yes, it is the best thing I have ever tried. My hair did take  a little time to grow, but all that matters is it did. I get excited touching the roots of my hair because I always feel “new growth”. This is when I know my hair is definitely growing and continually growing. DO NOT HESITATE TO BUY THIS PRODUCT, IT WORKS!

 Before and After

 Befores ---------------->



Afters  -------------->




Thank You,


Sunrise, Fl


April 08 , 2008

----- Original Message -----

From: S.M.



Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 6:59 PM

Subject: Please read and post on your site!!


Hello I just wanted to say thank you for your great product!! My hair fell out very badly in the back of my head in March 2007. You would think I had shaved it. After a year later there has been a lot of progress and growth. I also added braids to my hair .Which was the only style I was able to get. I took a before picture which was march 2007. My hair just really started growing back when i got my hair rebraided in December 2007. When I took my braids out in March 2008 I couldn't believe it!! In 3 months my hair had gone inches and I was able to put one whole side in a pony tail and the other side into a big braid. I was so excited!! I hope it continues I would to have a perm by my birthday with nice flowing locks (Jan 1). Please look at the before and after photos I attached.

                     Before and After 

          Back of head progress

  Left back of head March, 2007                                      Left back of head with pony tail March 2008             Right back of head with big braid     




January 27 , 2008

----- Original Message -----

From:  DF


Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 12:04 AM

Subject: this is my testimony


I cant tell you how much i love this oil. its helped my hair a ton.  before i used this oil my hair was always brittle and full of dandruff. my scalp was so dry at times that id scratch so much that they would turn into sores in my head. I hear every one say that you dont need oil products because your hair has its on natural oil.. i never say my natural ever. anyways i have tried everything from pink oild to plain old hair grease.. my contion was still the same.. till one day i searched on line for a special hair oil that rids dandruff while  keeping my hair full of moisture whenevr time of day . i found you page thanks to google.. i read the testimonies and i just knew if it worked for them maybe it work for me. so i searched for a location where your product is sold and i saw a sallys and go figure thats my favorite store. before  id never noticed your product but when i asked for it it was in plain sight. anywyas i took it home.. i actually got two just in case..u guys run out of stock. anywyas i tried it that night after doing my regular routine of washing and that morning my hair felt awesome.. i knew this was for me. i usually perm my hair every four weeks. but this product has prolonged my hair so that i wont need a relaxer till two months later i love this product and i recommend it to my friends but i tell them i wont give up the details unless they promise to buy me a bottle with their first. thanks a bunch for reading.

Before and After

                                      Before Photo                After Photo 1              After Photo 2 (with oil 6 weeks later)





January 20 , 2008

----- Original Message -----

To: Wild Growth Company


Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 6:48 PM

Subject: Re: Your After photo

Before and After

image0006 was taken in mid 2007  without wild mei-ling

heres a picture that i took today 2008

Mei-Ling C.



January 12 , 2008

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 2:24 PM



Before and After

First started using August 27 2007           November 2007                 

Alicia, New York, NY



December 11, 2007

---- Original Message -----

From: Lisa R.


Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 1:54 PM

Subject: wild growth testimonial

Before and After


(Then)--March 2007
In this photo it's a short bob. It comes to right about the top of my shoulders. You can see that my shoulders are at the bottom of the photo and my hair is no longer than that.


(Now)--Nov. 2007
3/4th of a year later: I flat-ironed a little of the curl away (only a few swipes of the flat-iron thanks to Wild Growth) and my hair now slides down past my shoulders about 4-5 inches. The conditioning is 'greatness itself'.

I've used this product as a skin conditioner, used it to heal cuts and scrapes faster, and I use it in place of all other hair products. (saves a lot of space in my cabinets...)


Here is a close-up of the ends and the perfectly conditioned strands:

After-ENDS                           After-CLOSEUP


Thank-you for your wonderful product!




July 30, 2007

Before and after photo with testimonial:

These are pics of my bangs. Im still trying to get the third one it might take some time. This is every two months I have some new growth. I tell everyone about this product its amazing!!!! Thanks again


Before and After



July 26, 2007

(from survey)

31 Year old female with fine and dry hair in dread-locks. No other products or heat styling methods mentioned before and since using Wild Growth Hair Oil®. Saw  improvement in length and reduced thinning or baldness after 2 months, improvement in thickness after 2 weeks, and reduced hair breakage in days. She also noticed improvement in hair texture after 2 weeks. User (from survey) comments: "This stuff is a miracle in a bottle. I had soft hair and I also had slow growing thin hair. After using WG my hair seemed as if it was on steroids. I have dreadlocks that are now so long because of wild growth." Click here to see original written comment 

Before and After

Before and after photo set 1


Additional comment: "This Stuff is truly a miracle in a bottle, even better than the fountain of youth. My hair went from short thin dreds to thick long dreds. Everyone is asking me what I use. Thank you so much. Continue the good work." 

Original written comment and before and after photo set 2

S.B., Miami FL




Ok it was last year around this time January 2006 now as I am writing this we are in January 2007 that I found out about Wild Hair Growth. After seeing the testimonials and there was one that really got me so I e-mailed the lady and she was like well I was skeptical too, but it worked so I was like fine I will give it a try and I did. The before picture was taken just a couple of days before I started using Wild Hair Growth. While using wild hair growth from January to May I keep my hair out in a wrap I did not braid it or anything and just a couple of weeks later I started noticing amazing growth then in April colored it you still can see it  because I started using Wild Growth I had it dyed Jet Black. From late May to middle just I had Braids in plats and I burned the ends just for like three weeks and that is when my hair really grew I put my little oil in one or twice a day and washed it twice a week that works for me I have to wash my hair at least twice a week, but I still put in my oil regularly. Then when I took out my braids I got a relaxer and I was like WOW! This stuff really works.  I know from past experiences with trying to grow my hair back it grow more while it was braided, but with Wild Growth it Grew more I mean you should have seen it in real life everyone was like what are you using I was like girl I got this oil that I have been using and it is working for me and I went to Boston and my family was like what are you using  just this oil and my cousin my  was like I want to buy so she took me to a sally beauty Supply store and we brought the oil and we made sure that it was no a fake one. My after picture was taking just a month ago in December of 2006 and you can see for your self the difference. Not only the length, but the strength, the volume, body and all that.

Before and After

Before And After Photos





To: "'Wild Growth Company'" <>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: Thank you for your order.

>I had no idea the post office didn't work on Tuesday, thanks for
letting me
> know. I just didn't know if I gave you the correct address.
> Also I have unbelievable results, have been sharing it with my
> the
> south east, however I didn't do a technically before picture, I do
have a
> picture from November 2005, I don't recall the date of my first
> I
> can send the pictures and the evidence can speak for itself. The
> other
> change I have done in 1.2 years is I sleep on a silk pillowcase.

Before and After

                                                Before 1                       Before 2                                  After 1                             After 2


San Diego, CA

I began using Wild Growth Hair Oil about 10 years ago after I suffered an allergic reaction to weaving hair glue. In a matter of a week or so after removing the weave, I was left with an approximately 2” diameter bald spot in the middle of my head. I tried everything to grow my hair back, but nothing worked. Then I saw an ad for Wild Growth in a magazine and I ordered it. After my very first use, I noticed my hair was incredibly soft and after only a short few months my hair began to grow back in the balding spot, but more surprisingly, I reached shoulder length hair for the first time in my life. Over the years, for no particular reason, I discontinued using the oil and tried several other products, but NOTHING made my hair feel as silky.  I continued to experience slight thinning in the spot affected by the glue, which was more prominent after relaxing my hair. Finally in December of 2004, I decided to stop relaxing and go natural to see if this would help the thinning. Before cutting my relaxer out, I did a TON of research and asked several dozen women what they used on natural hair, as I hadn’t been natural since I was about 10 years old. Wild Growth Oil came up many times, which I had forgotten about since I hadn’t used it in about 3 years.  After I cut all my relaxer out, I was freaked out because my hair was way beyond nappy. I expected it to be kinky, but not nearly as kinky as it was. I was going to put a relaxer in it, but I decided to try Wild Growth before doing this. I put the oil on my slightly damp hair and my naps just melted away. My hair felt so soft and was unbelievable manageable, needless to say, 8 months later I am still relaxer free and my hair has grown like crazy and better than anything, my thin spot is no longer thin and the hair in this spot is just as long as the rest of my hair. The first picture was taken in October 2004 and the next only 4 months later…The growth is amazing and since the Feb picture, I have gained about an inch.   I am sending the release via postal services.
Before and After

                                                                                                    Before              After

E.S. Grand Rapids, MI



Thats all the growth i have had since i started using the wildgrowth oil!!!!!!...i used it like twice a week now...i  still reckon i am seeing only my normal growth, 1/2 inch per month! But, by the way,  my hair is softer and it grows out straight these days..i don't have no chemicals in it...its all natural...i started it in may 05 by the way..but thats all the pictures (10/4/05, 12/26/05, 2/8/06, 2/8/06) i have..the dates are on the pictures.





                                                              10/4/05                    12/26/05                    2/8/06                   2/8/06

A.E., Ireland


(from survey)
Age: 26 year old female, Hair type: coarse and dry, also uses lye products (1 hour application), Pantene Pro-V shampoo & conditioner, uses blow drying and pressing. Noticed improved hair length in 3 weeks, thickness in 3 weeks, less hair breakage in 2 days, improved texture of hair in 5 days.
Wild Growth Co. comments: Co. records indicate that L.J. has been using Wild Growth Hair Oil® since March 2001.
User comments: Before I started using wild growth my hair was above my ears.
 A shampoo from my doctor was supposed to make my hair grow.. So I used it for a year but my hair did not grow. One day I was looking through a book and I saw the Wild Growth Advertising so I ordered it and it has  been working very well . In February of this year, I cut my hair below my ears and now its on my shoulder see photo (after).  Before I started using Wild Growth, this is what my hair looked like:
see photo (before)

                                           Before and After

                               Before                                                           After




I have attached a before and after photo of my niece.  The first picture is her now and the other picture is before.

          Before and After


After  <<<<<<<<<<<<  Before                           


I am very impressed with Wildgrowth and it is a product I can stand by. Wildgrowth has had amazing results for not only my niece but my other family members as well. I started using Wildgrowth when I keep trying other product that had little result. Her hair was breaking off and tangling constantly. I thought if I keep it in braids it would grow and be manageable but even with braids it was still the same. Anyone who wears braid can understand, if your hair is in braids it gathers lint and debris and when you take the braids out it still tangles and breaks off. Also you have to keep the scalp well oiled. I tried the braid sprays. Heavier Jarred Hair Conditioners and it was just not working. Then I was in the park with my Niece and I meet a woman whose daughter has beautiful hair. At first I just looked with admiring eyes. We began talking and I asked her about her daughter's hair. She told me about Wildgrowth. I combed the Beauty stores and I could not find it on the shelf. In frustration I asked the desk about Wildgrowth. The young lady told me Wildgrowth is never keep on the open shelves because the Wildgrowth would be stolen. She asked if I was a beautician. I said "no", but I was puzzled. I was thinking could this little bottle of oil be that great. I was taken back by the price of such a small bottle and I was thinking what a rip off for such a small bottle so I paid for it and left the store. I got home and decided I would use it on myself first just to make sure it would not irritate her scalp or skin. I washed my hair. Making sure my hair was free of all oils. This is my hair's most vulnerable time for breakage. I read the instructions. It said apply about 10 drops. I said to myself, they really did not think when they wrote these instructions but ok. I did as the Wildgrowth instruction advised. I poured the Wildgrowth out in my hands and rubbed it through. When I blow dried my hair, I was shocked that it blew straight. No hair breakage. The shine was great. It was the first time I did not need to use a hot comb. I was siked so I did my niece's hair. I took the braids out and she was set to cry. I just took out the braid and washed it. I didn't even comb it. I was thinking, "ok Wildgrowth, lets see what you are going to do now and this mess." Bad enough she gave me a hard time but now I knew I was looking for trouble. I used the same 10 drops. I rubbed it through her hair. I could feel her hair become less tense but I said maybe it was just the oil in my hand. I parted the hair for braiding and my niece was ready to act up. I was thinking the fight is on. I started to comb as usual end to root. NO TANGLES!!! I was thinking ok lets go further with this experiment. I parted out my first braid and began to cornroll. My niece was not up for this at all but we pressed on. The first braid was like the hair was silky smooth. I got to the end and the hair was no longer wet. I was really nervous because this is the time when the hair gets tangles and I am in for a battle. I parted the hair. Combed root to end. The comb went through very easy with no resistance. I stepped back I was floored that the Wildgrowth really worked. I had to read the bottle again. I finished her hair and was thinking this is the beginning of a great relationship. My niece is four and usually getting through the untangling and braiding was taking me 4 hours. It got to a point where I would braid and take a playbreak. anyone who has kids knows you can't ask a kid to set 10 seconds let alone 4 hours. I was shocked an hour top. Then after the braiding was the test of how will it wear. I was thinking to myself, if this product goes a week with at least dull shine then maybe we have something. I did not put any other oil in her hair. I said again to myself' I am asking for trouble. THE SHINE STAYED!!! I left it in two weeks to make sure. Then came the day I had to take her hair out and this starts our battle. I took out the first braid. Yes she had lint so I knew I had a fight. I brushed it through they lint came out with ease. Her hair was so healthy and shinny. I took all the braids out I was amazed. I WAS SOLD!!! But that was not the amazing part. This was just being. I kept using the product on her and me. I only had one problem, the wildgrowth made my hair so thick that a perm would not hold but less than two weeks and I could live with that. My nieces hair was an amazing different story. Her hair has never been permed it was getting thick and long. It grew leaps and bounds. I was thinking about that fairy tale Repunzel. I was thinking Repunzel's Mom had to use Wildgrowth to get her hair to grow.
I kept the Wildgrowth a secret. I thought if I raved over the product people would not believe me. I have learned through the years you learn by example. Each time people would see my niece they would say what beautiful hair. I said thank you. The proof was when I sent Christmas picture. Everyone wrote me back. She was beautiful. What beautiful hair. They asked me if that was her hair. I wrote back Yes it was her hair and actually they were not seeing the full length because I pinned it underneath so it would not get in her way. Then the calls started coming in. They wanted to know what I was using. I told them about Wildgrowth. My sister now uses it and she is getting the same result. My nieces Mom uses it and her hair had the same result. I used it on my Mom's her. She has gray hair and anyone with gray hair knows that the wrong product could yellow the hair but the Wildgrowth made it thicker, easier to manage and stopped the frizz and No Yellowing. I also found that people think that this is a black product but I gave it to my friend as a gift. She is Italian. she thought I was crazy. She has a curl perm. Her hair was not holding its luster. Now she uses 5 drops a day. she says her hair is like silk. It has a great shine and the oil is not heavy. I think that is the beauty of Wildgrowth. Also it took me 1 year to use up a bottle. AMAZING!!! I really got my monies worth and more.
Thank you Wildgrowth .
A. T.

Before and After

Dear Wild Growth..... What a blessing I've found in usig this product. I lost my hair about two years ago due to a defected relaxer. I mean all the hair I had on my head was lost. I had been using wild growth for about a year when this happened, so you know I had some hair on my head.  And today I can say I am glad to still be using wild growth with hair past my shoulders. I guess its been too long long a time to enter the contest(2 yrs). But I am proud to be a wild Growth user. I love it so well that I never want to run out. You know one day I was sitting at the computor & I felt something fall on my neck & shoulder. It felt like some big bug. I jumped up, looking around trying to see what it was. It was my hair that I had pinned up, came loose & had fallen down. Feeling silly and happy all at the same time that I had that much hair. Thank You Wild Growth for coming into my life. And you'll be there for the rest of my life... I can not thank you enough...Remain the same always...
